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Watch Industry Insider Interview: Georges Kern, CEO Of Swiss AAA Breitling Replica Watches UK

What has been the biggest change in the watch industry over the past ten years?

Luxury has democratised and become more relaxed, which perfectly reflects in Swiss made Breitling replica watches‘ positioning and strategy of delivering casual, inclusive and sustainable luxury. This approach continues to strongly resonate with our consumers. This aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices in recent years within the watch industry. Consumers increasingly care about the environmental and social impact of their purchases.

A good example is our first ‘traceable watch’, the high quality UK fake Breitling Super Chronomat Origins watches launched in 2022. It’s the first time Breitling – or anyone in our industry – have included a precious-materials supply chain on the watch’s NFT. Its artisanal gold and lab-grown diamonds can be traced from the mine to the wrist and each step along the supply chain is documented, verified and shared back with our customers. This is not a prototype or a one-off. By 2026, all our products will be made with this level of transparency.

Digital marketing has revolutionised the watch-buying experience. Online platforms now serve as vital channels in the decision-making process of the customer. They enable brands to engage with a worldwide audience, provide tailored shopping journeys and boost sales. Blockchain technology, which we introduced as the first cheap Breitling copy watches brand in 2020 is another way, revolutionising how we engage with our customers and offering them a new level of transparency.

What do you consider the golden age of watchmaking and why?

There are several significant phases that have contributed to the industry’s rich heritage. The first half of the 19th century saw an unparalleled level of innovation, craftsmanship, and artistic expression in the industry. Following World War II, the post-war economic growth provided a fertile ground for the flourishing watch industry. There was remarkable technical progress. Iconic timepieces like our perfect replica Breitling Navitimer watches were connected to the emergence of civil aviation in the 1950s. Its circular slide rule, a key feature for pilots at the time, allowed them to perform all necessary flight calculations.

Moving into the 1960s, watchmaking continued to evolve, influenced by design, lifestyle influences, and cultural shifts. This era saw the emergence of iconic designs and timepieces that reflected the changing tastes and aspirations of society, often associated with influential actors.

In the 1980s, the industry experienced a revival of mechanical top super clone Breitling watches following the quartz crisis of the previous decade. This resurgence underscored a renewed appreciation for traditional craftsmanship and mechanical complexity, marking a pivotal moment in the industry’s history. Breitling contributed to this resurgence when it launched the Swiss movements fake Breitling Chronomat watches in 1984. It reintroduced the mechanical chronograph, on which the brand had built its global reputation, to its rightfully prominent place.

The Chronomat’s technical legacy, combined with its stylish design codes, positioned it as the ultimate sport-chic watch of its era. It became an expression of aesthetics and confidence, effectively making the chronograph ‘cool’ again. Each of these phases contributes to the history of watchmaking, representing periods of innovation, creativity, and resilience that have shaped the industry into what it is today.

What is the biggest misconception about the watch industry and what would you change?

A big misconception about the watch industry is the notion that customers these days purchase a timepiece primarily due to its movement or mechanism. While the quality of the movement and technical innovation is undoubtedly a precondition, it’s often assumed that this is also the primary factor driving consumer decisions. However, quality, is a conditio sine qua non and in reality, the majority of customers today first buy the brand, then the design before considering the movement of 2024 online Breitling replica watches.

It would maybe be good for the industry to become more progressive and transparent. Currently, our industry is often characterised by its reserved and secretive nature, which can be seen as overly conservative and traditional. This approach can sometimes result in a slow pace of innovation and adaptation to changing market dynamics.

What do you think the next big thing in watch industry will be?

Among other new growth markets, India is being considered of great potential for the Swiss watch industry with an average economic growth rate of 6% per year. The Indian GDP has increased in recent years and is expected to more than double by the end of 2030, reaching USD $4.5 trillion, making India the third-largest economy by 2027. By 2028, Swiss watch exports to India are expected to exceed CHF 400 million, according to the 2023 Deloitte Swiss Watch Industry Study. The study expects India to be among the top 10 Swiss export markets within a decade.

Furthermore, brands are enhancing the in person-experience to interact and sell directly to customers. There’s growing demand, particularly among young consumers, for the so-called 360° experience. They want the brand and products to be explained to them, and they want the entire collection to be available and fully immerse themselves in the brand environment. In our boutiques, you experience the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere of an industrial loft, reflecting best fake Breitling watches‘ casual, inclusive, and sustainable approach to luxury.

We view our boutiques as ‘social spaces’, meticulously crafting an environment for the customer to feel at ease. Every element, from decor to music to room fragrance, contributes to this atmosphere. Moreover, our retail concept now also includes restaurants, as we have opened, for example, in Geneva and Seoul. They are a natural extension of our boutique and brand experience. The restaurants have a similar style to the boutiques, offering menus reflecting our brand worlds of ‘Air, Land and Sea’.

This is the experience people crave and the new big topic in the luxury goods industry. By the third quarter of 2024, we’ll reach a milestone of 300 boutiques, a testament to our significant presence and, naturally, a driving force behind our brand image. Nonetheless, we remain committed to traditional retail, nurturing relationships with esteemed jewellers whom we deem indispensable. We continue to pursue our omni-channel strategy, which includes e-commerce and adapting to evolving consumer preferences.

How do you see technology impacting the watch industry in the next ten years?

Our traditional industry needs to embrace technology as technologies like AI will continue to change the world and certainly impact the way we market our products. Additionally, social commerce, which is already well-established in Asia, is emerging as a key sub-channel, especially for younger consumers. It offers personalised recommendations and instant purchasing through connected apps and mobile payment options.

Furthermore, blockchain technologies will play an increasingly important role in traceability, and Breitling replica watches shop aims to remain at the forefront of this change. At Breitling, the direct relationship between Breitling and its customers, offering full transparency, traceability, and tradeability capabilities unlike any other brand.

That’s why we have been among the first to invest in and develop blockchain capabilities in the luxury industry. Breitling is the only luxury brand to leverage blockchain as a true instrument for global customer engagement. Brands have a responsibility to provide a complete ecosystem to customers, centered on experience and values, not just products. Digital technology innovation, with blockchain as the canvas, offers a new way to connect the brand and the customer, anytime, anywhere, and on the customer’s terms.

What style trends do you predict for the next few years?

The watch industry is much less exposed to fast-moving trends as the fashion industry, for example. Currently, we see a trend towards iconisation of products in the watch sector and luxury industry in general, which plays into the hands of a brand like Breitling with an incredible back catalogue and 140 years of history. Building icons takes time. Most iconic designs have a heritage spanning 50 to 60 years, or more, which underscores the importance of timeless designs and craftsmanship. We see proven designs with modern refinements continuing to thrive.

The vintage trend among watch collectors is also playing a role, as is the shift in aesthetic preferences. The lines between men’s and women’s luxury Breitling replica watches are becoming less defined, reflecting a broader societal trend towards individual expression. The influence of the vintage trend and dress watch style are contributing to a growing preference for smaller watches, particularly among men. It’s a fascinating evolution in the world of watches, and we’re excited to see where it leads.

Our modern-retro design style perfectly aligns with the aforementioned trends and shifts, appealing to a broader audience seeking versatile timepieces that effortlessly blend into everyday life.

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Georges Kern Talks The Future Of UK High Quality Fake Breitling Watches And The Brand’s 140TH Anniversary

Georges Kern is perhaps the most interesting man in watchmaking. That’s a bold claim, I know, but his world view and his strategic business mind make him a fountain of knowledge from which to learn the nuts and bolts of running one of the watch world’s biggest names.

In 2017, he raised plenty of eyebrows within the industry when he turned his back on a lucrative position as head of watchmaking for the Richemont group, just four months into the role, to become CEO – and a 5% shareholder – of faltering perfect Breitling replica watches. At the time, the independent brand was running short on steam among the cut and thrust of the luxury watch market, but Kern had a clear vision and over the last six years has systematically rebuilt the company from the ground up.

Success and a vast spike in revenue has followed. In the Top 20 Swiss Watch Company Ranking for 2022, a scoreboard for the best-selling watch brands in terms of revenue and units published by Morgan Stanley, it was revealed that best UK Breitling fake watches is now the ninth ranked brand – rising an impressive ten places since 2017 when Kern took over.

But this is just the beginning: “I really think that Breitling has a phenomenal potential to be easily in the top five brands in the world, or even better,” Kern tells me as we sit in the comfortable surroundings of the Breitling townhouse on Regent Street.

I sat down with the CEO at an exciting juncture in his tenure. The recent relaunch of the AAA replica Breitling Avenger collection watches signals the end of the modernisation and repositioning of Breitling’s catalogue. The boutiques have been remodelled, the ambassadors refreshed, and the internal structure have all changed. It begs the question: what now?

Kern gives us a small preview to the future in the interview below. He looks ahead to top Breitling fake watches‘ 140th anniversary in 2024, talks about his sense of style, and his inspirations.

I really think Breitling has a phenomenal potential to easily be in the top five brands in the world

What upcoming project are you most excited about?

Georges Kern: Well, next year is our 140th anniversary of Breitling, which is an important moment for us. Our plan is to release a few more higher priced Swiss made Breitling super clone watches to commemorate the occasion and there are some other great surprises in the pipeline. There are many elements to the Breitling story that we’ve not yet been able to tell. I think the anniversary next year is a great opportunity to reveal all of that.

There are two parts, I would say, in building a brand: the first part, which we did over the last five years, is repositioning the brand and redefining the strategy – and it happens to have been extremely successful. So you don’t change the strategy when it works. No, you’ve hit the nail on the head and you will continue to persistently do more of the same in the coming years. That doesn’t mean that we are becoming boring. We will animate our brand with limited editions, with new movements, with new complications and new partnerships. But we’ll do that in the frame that we’ve been defining over the last five years.

In marketing terms, we had to work on relevance, becoming more relevant as a brand through our product design and our values.

Now, we have to work on what we call esteem, meaning giving reassurance to the customer, to the clients, about our rich history, our technical capacities, the roots of the cheap Breitling replica watches family and brand. This is what we need to communicate more.

It would have been a mistake to start with this five or six years ago, because that was not the point. The point was that we had lost our relevance in the watch market and we needed to become more relevant. But where we find ourselves today is very different and the time is right to solidify the brand. So we are still in search of excellence, still animating a lot and still giving nutrition to the brand, but in a frame which is defined.

What is your proudest professional achievement to date?

GK: It’s the achievement of tomorrow. I mean, we’re very happy. Everything’s going fine, but you always want to do more and better and improve and it’s great to win. It’s better to win and win again. I will be proud about what we’re going to achieve tomorrow.

Not everybody chases multiple successes. I’ve heard interviews from sports people after competitions where they’ve finished third and they’ll say, “But I won last time.” And I think it’s a totally wrong attitude. The right attitude should be “I’m a Champions League winner, and I want to win again. Why not?”

What has been the most surreal moment in your career?

GK: So if the question is what was the most surreal moment of my life, it’s probably when I decided to leave my previous job to go into a much smaller brand and become a shareholder. That was, for me personally, a surreal moment. And I would say for a large portion of the public also, they couldn’t understand why I would do this.

My friends and people who knew me totally understood, but many outside of my close circle thought I was crazy.

Then, over the last 20 or 30 years in the industry, I’ve experienced everything. I’ve met fantastic people, artists, creative people and managers, but also experienced terrible moments like overnight having to shut down the manufacturing centre because of Covid, et cetera. So you go through incredible ups and downs, stimulating moments and shocking moments, but this is part of the business.

What do you hope to achieve that you haven’t yet?

GK: I don’t want to be too obvious, but I really think that 1:1 copy Breitling watches has a phenomenal potential to be easily in the top five brands in the world, or even better. I’ve never managed a brand in my life with such strong intrinsic assets as Breitling in terms of history, in terms of back catalogue, in terms of products, in terms of wide appeal. And therefore, we always say at the end of our presentations, “This is just the beginning” because there’s actually so much more to come. We are just at the beginning of our development stage. We want to get the maximum out of Breitling’s enormous potential.

Outside of your family, who is your biggest inspiration?

GK: I’ve never been that inspired by sports people or musicians. I would have loved to meet with Leonardo da Vinci or with Napoleon, but a living person? I admire many people, for sure, but the only person I really would like to meet is Warren Buffet. I think he’s extraordinary and I think he’s amazing in terms of being humble, funny, successful, straightforward, simple ideas. His main tenet: “I only invest in things I understand.” He’s an incredible personality.

Tell me something that perhaps the wider watch world doesn’t know about you?

GK: I’m probably one of the most open CEOs in the watch industry. And I’ve shared many things about my personal life. I’ve shared my hobbies in sports or my hobbies in filmmaking and my love for dogs. There’s nothing extraordinary left that I haven’t shared in terms of my life already. The rest is too private.

Talk to me about your favourite item of clothing and what it means to you.

GK: I like well-dressed people and dressing well, but there’s not really one piece that’s special to me. I saw the David Beckham documentary on Netflix. And when he’s going through his wardrobe and he’s opening one of the drawers, he said, “Oh, somebody went into this.” I probably have 1% of his wardrobe, but otherwise I’m also very structured in the way I do things. My wife was laughing when we saw that. She said, “That’s you!”

I have a leather bomber jacket that I like to wear when we are talking about pilots’ wholesale replica Breitling watches. But no, I love all fashion. I like super sporty – I wear a lot of Deus Ex Machina apparel in the summer, which is a partner of Breitling. But I also like more formal clothing such as tuxedos and suits. It’s like with our watches, we are a generalist brand offering a wide variety from sporty to elegant – and that’s what I also like in terms of clothes. I’m not one of these directors who only wears black shirts and black trousers.

Do you have a favourite watch, and why is it so special to you?

GK: I have many watches from my previous brands and all the best quality Breitling replica watches where I was strongly involved with the designers and the development are special to me in a way. Obviously, today I only wear Breitling.

I think in the future, if I perhaps take a step back from the watch industry, I will start wearing all of these Breitling replica watches for sale again. Funnily enough, the only brand I own, which is not from a brand I was working for, is Girard-Perregaux but from the Luigi ‘Gino’ Macaluso era. There’s a historic 1930s model, a GP 7000 series and a Richeville.

Gino Macaluso was an architect and you felt it in the way he built products. He had an architectural approach to the products, and I think they were aesthetically appealing. So I bought them probably almost 20 years ago. It doesn’t exist anymore but the Richeville was a beautiful tonneau chronograph in rose gold and then the historic piece is a curved rectangular watch, which I think is called the 1930s. It’s the only brand I have that’s not from the portfolio of brands I managed in the past.

I’d really like to meet Warren Buffet. He’s extraordinary – humble, funny, straightforward

Is there an item that you have thrown away or you’ve lost that you really miss?

GK: No, I don’t have an emotional attachment to objects. I had some of the most beautiful sports cars and I sold them all. Now I’m driving electric and I don’t miss any of them. When you’re young, you want to have a sports car. You live in the moment but then with age, your priorities change.

It was funny, I bought my first sports car when I got my first child, my boy, he’s now 27, but he was just a baby, a couple of weeks old and my neighbour came over and said, “It’s crazy. Your family is getting bigger and bigger and your cars are getting smaller and smaller.” Back then I was panicking at the thought of not being able to drive a sports car anymore. But I don’t miss all of that nowadays.

As someone who isn’t attached to objects, what’s next on your shopping list?

GK: I think if I were to invest in anything, it would be art. I like to go to museums and that’s really stoked my interest lately. Hence, I would buy modern art and see where it takes me.

And finally, what would you buy if money was no object?

GK: Probably a phenomenal castle somewhere in France and renovate it. Not to live like a king or a prince, but to live in beautiful architecture and in a beautiful garden. These castles always have such beautiful gardens. Maybe something to think about for the future.

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Fast Meets Filigree In Best AAA Breitling’s Top Time B21 Classic Cars Chronograph Tourbillon Edition Replica Watches UK

Breitling puts the pedal to the metal with three new additions to the the luxury replica Breitling Top Time collection watches. Re-introduced in 2021, this collection celebrates American classic cars from the 1960s, such as the Ford Mustang and the Shelby Cobra. The Top Time Collection was first introduced in the 1960s to meet the demands of people with active lifestyles. Third-generation founder Willy Breitling wanted to create an unconventional chronograph that was more stylish than the stop watches Breitling was famous for. He called it the “Top Time,” and it was as much about having a good time as it was about telling the time, becoming a favorite among car and motorcycle enthusiasts. The latest UK 1:1 fake Breitling Top Time Classic Cars Collection watches comprises of updated collaborations with Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Corvette, and Shelby Cobra. 

As implied by its name, the motor-inspired trio seamlessly integrates two haute horlogerie complications: the chronograph, designed for measuring elapsed times, and the tourbillon, renowned as the most elegant method to enhance precision in timekeeping. The “whirlwind” marks a first in this line, while the chronograph is the signature complication of the perfect replica Breitling Top Time Collection watches.

Breitling worked with the specialist movement maker Manufacture La Joux-Perret to develop the B21 movement. Running at a frequency of 28,800 a/h (4 hertz), with a power reserve of 55 hours, the Breitling Caliber B21 is distinguished by a column-wheel-controlled design with a horizontal clutch. As is typical for the Swiss manufacture, we talk about a COSC-certified chronometer with a skeletonized oscillating weight that allows a view of the column wheel through the caseback. The tourbillon houses the balance wheel, balance spring, and escapement in a rotating cage, setting the entire assembly in perpetual motion— and effectively cancels— the pull of gravity, which affects the 2024 China Breitling copy watches’ accuracy in different positions.

True to the signature Swiss movements replica Breitling Top Time watches style, the design embraces a modern retro aesthetic characterized by mushroom chronograph pushers and vibrant colors. The focal point is the tourbillon cage positioned prominently at 12 o’clock, creating a visually balanced layout, complemented by the chronograph minute counter at 6 o’clock. Drawing inspiration from vintage dashboard gauges, the minute counter adopts a distinctive “squircle” shape, seamlessly blending circular and square elements. Additionally, a tachymeter scale encircles the dial, providing functionality for distance measurement.

Top Time B21 Ford Mustang

The high quality super clone Breitling Top Time B21 Ford Mustang watches features a 43-mm bronze case with a titanium back, complemented by a green dial reminiscent of the vibrant colors associated with the first-generation Ford Mustang (1964-1974).

Top Time B21 Shelby Cobra

The cheap replica Breitling Top Time B21 Shelby Cobra watches is equipped with a 44-mm black ceramic case with a titanium back, crown, pushers, and buckle. The blue dial matches the livery of the car, created in 1962 by Le Mans winner Carroll Shelby, who combined a small, light, British-style chassis with a strong, reliable American small-block engine.

Top Time B21 Chevrolet Corvette

Similarly, the online fake Breitling Top Time B21 Chevrolet Corvette watches sports a 44-mm black ceramic case with titanium elements. The walnut burl dial and perforated leather racing strap pay tribute to the steering wheel and dashboard inlays of the legendary 1960s “Sting Ray” Chevy Corvette, celebrating the era’s iconic sports car with style and sophistication.

The top Swiss made replica Breitling Top Time B21 Classic Cars Chronograph Tourbillon watches are water-resistant to 100 meters, and come with the brand’s 5-year warranty. Pricing is marked at $47,000.

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Exclusive Chat About Perfect Swiss Breitling Fake Watches UK With Breiting CEO Georges Kern

Breitling CEO Georges Kern chats with Joezer Mandagi about the brand’s presence beyond its products and how it affects real change through its sustainability efforts.

Throughout 2023, Breitling has unveiled an amazingly diverse array of timepieces, including a Ford Thunderbird model within its Top Time Classic Cars collection to a new 42 mm Classic AVI assortment honoring four legendary planes, new Navitimers in 36 and 32 mm sizes and— most recently—the new luxury Breitling Avenger replica watches. Beyond its novelties, however, Breitling has also continued to strengthen brand awareness through its iconic Squads and opened new boutique concepts interwoven with exciting F&B ideas. And on top of all that, the brand continues to lead the way in introducing sustainable business and production processes. To discover how AAA UK Breitling fake watches is creating real change across the board, we recently sat down with CEO Georges Kern for an intercontinental chat about the brand’s novel creations and the novel way it creates.

Before anything else, congratulations on the recent launch of the new cheap replica Breitling Avenger collection watches. What can you tell us about these new timepieces and what about them are you personally most excited about?
Georges Kern: First of all, it is a key line in our assortment. The best fake Breitling Avenger watches was always a very strong line and reflects the characteristics of the brand in terms of T being an outdoor brand, being sporty, being a pilot’s brand. As you know, we have three watch collections in the Air universe: We have the Classic AVI, the Navitimer and the Avenger. So, strategically and commercially, the Avenger is a very important line It has been updated with a redesign centered on sleek aviation detailing and wear-resistant materials. We have also aesthetically reworked and optimized the pushers, the crown and the lugs. The biggest step, of course, is the introduction of our Breitling Manufacture Caliber 01 movement in the Avenger chronographs. I think this is quite a change, but it is also, for me, a very beautiful evolution.

If we could revisit one of the earlier highlights of the year, we had the new Ford Thunderbird model joining the Top Time Classic Cars collection. How has this expanded lineup been doing?
GK: The Swiss movements replica Breitling Top Time, the Premier and the Superocean watches that we relaunched earlier this year and last year were basically new products. The Top Time was developed by Willy Breitling as younger execution of the Premier in the 1960s. And this partnership with these classic cars—Ford Mustang, Shelby Cobra, Ford Thunderbird and Chevrolet Corvette —is very cool and gives it a different angle which covers different markets than the Premier. The Premier is more about watchmaking, history, craftsmanship, while the Top Time has a different angle. It has been doing very well. We are, as you know, a generalist brand. If you were to compare it with, for instance, an automobile manufacturer: we offer SUVs, convertibles and limousines. I would say that the Premier is a coupé and the Top Time is a roadster.

Of course, the Breitling Squads have always piqued our interest, especially now that there’s an actual Indonesia Squad. On that note, the more established teams—such as the Aviation Pioneer Squad or the All Star Squad—all represent a specific field or discipline that relates closely to Breitling’s DNA. How do you envision the role and impact of region-based squads?
GK: We have one in China, for instance; we have one in Spain, we have several celebrities we work with in Germany. This is really to push local brand awareness and it’s about identifying with local celebrities. So, the objectives are different compared to the theme-oriented squads we have. We will have more local squads, not only in Indonesia and China, but all over the world. Even in the U.S. some of them are more known locally than internationally, to be honest. Take Chloe Kim, for instance. She’s very well known in the U.S. as a snowboarder, and she’s won several gold medals. But I don’t think she is as international as, say, Charlize Theron.

Another interesting aspect of the Breitling experience that we took note of is the brand’s boutiques. We definitely heard about the Breitling Townhouse Hannam in South Korea, there was the opening of the second Breitling Kitchen in Geneva earlier this year and the Breitling boutique in Indonesia with its industrial-loft concept also garnered a lot of attention. What is the overarching strategy that underlies 1:1 Breitling replica watches‘ physical retail outlets?
GK: I think it’s essential. For me the boutiques are probably the most important image building element of our brand besides the products. We now have more than 240 boutiques and will have, by the end of the fiscal year, roughly three hundred. And you see them all over the world. That visibility is of value and creates an image that you are part of the big players. The second thing is that many people prefer to get the whole experience and shop in a boutique because they have all the storytelling, they have all the products and they can dive into our brand universes. So, both in terms of image and in terms of turnover boutiques are an key element. And you’re right, it’s all about the experience; and that’s the reason why we introduced our food and beverage concept like we did in Korea or in Geneva. It adds to the image and to the storytelling. Today you cannot disconnect luxury. We compete with travel, with museums, obviously with fashion, cars—it’s all the same thing. Everybody now is going into F&B. It is the natural expansion of a boutique.

Not too long ago, Breitling issued its third annual sustainability mission report and we noticed how the Origins Label was at the top of the list of updates from the brand. Can you give us a brief primer on this initiative and why it’s so important for Breitling?
GK: So, I have a couple of beliefs. First of all, either as a person or as a corporation, we have to do the maximum we can in our sphere of influence, to be respectful to our planet and to the people. If you have a certain influence like top fake Breitling watches has, even if you’re a small company, you can engage yourself into, for instance, fighting plastics in the ocean. But the ultimate thing we need to do is to provide transparency of our supply chain to retailers to consumers. So, every Swiss made Breitling copy watches with an Origins label comes with its own NFT , a digital passport if you’d like, where the supply chain of the precious materials used in this watch is transparently documented. We started this with the 2024 wholesale replica Breitling Super Chronomat Automatic 38 Origins watches. Why? It is the first product where we introduced the better gold and better diamonds – artisanal and small-scale gold and lab-grown diamonds that are fully traceable to their source. The quality of lab-grown diamonds is the same, or even better, and the appearance is the same or even nicer than mined diamonds. And it has been very well received. We talk about the fact that we don’t use mined diamonds, we disclose the value chain and engage with and support the local communities. We know with how much energy and with what kind of energy a diamond was produced— renewable or non-renewable energy. We can provide the same transparency with gold. We buy the gold from what we call an artisanal and small-scale mine. We know that the communities are respected; the environment is respected and so on. With the watches bearing the Origins Label we can explain where the gold comes from, where the diamonds are coming from and how they’re produced, how large the carbon footprint is, etc. In future we will be able to offer full transparency to everybody in terms of sourcing. It’s a question of transparency and respect to the client.

When people think about sustainable practices for corporations, what usually comes to mind are petrochemicals, auto manufacturing and the like—not watchmaking. In your opinion, how much of an impact does the watchmaking industry’s sustainability have on a global scale?
GK: You’re absolutely right. As I said, we should do the maximum we can within our sphere of influence. And what is fundamentally our influence? Considering the customer base we have in the luxury industry we can be as influential as many other brands in other industries. Our influential clients can spread the word. We introduced, for instance, upcycled packaging, we have Econyl straps, which are crafted from maritime waste, including lost and discarded fishing nets, we engage—as I mentioned—in the best quality super clone Breitling Origins watches, we have these partnerships with foundations to fight plastics in the ocean, etc. This is something that our clients can leverage and talk about. So, it’s not Breitling’s impact; it’s the impact of our customers, who are proud to buy our products and who can say to the world: “Look what these guys can successfully do. I am supporting them.”

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Breitling To Launch Australian Limited-edition Replica Watches UK Wholesale

While early watches from Breitling (founded in 1884) were chronographs and timers that catered to motoring enthusiasts, aviation-themed timepieces, such as the high quality Breitling Navitimer replica watches, are what we more closely associate with the brand today.

That shouldn’t surprise: Breitling created a dedicated aviation department as far back as 1938 “to meet military and aviation needs for reliable onboard instruments”. Two years later it launched the UK AAA Breitling Chronomat fake watches (predecessor to the Navitimer), a watch with a purposeful calculator bezel like no other.

If such pieces would have done Biggles proud, today’s editions have come down to earth; there are models in sizes to grace feminine wrists, and others more suited to the boardroom than the cockpit.

One such is an Australian version of the cheap Swiss replica Breitling Chronomat watches. To be previewed at this month’s About Time watch fair and limited to 150 pieces, the 40mm Chronomat Oceania GMT has a shimmering teal – yes, teal – dial with orange GMT hand, colours inspired by the Ningaloo Reef and Red Centre landscape.

New hues can also be found across other models, from SuperOcean divers to a fleet of auto-themed perfect Breitling Top Time fake watches designed with the enthusiasts at Deus Ex Machina.

Given their vibrant reds, yellows and blues you could be wondering when and how they should be worn. Weekends? Lunch with friends? A business meeting? At the About Time fair, top Breitling copy watches will have a fashion stylist on hand to advise on such matters.

Informative and fun, you’ll get to discover, touch and try some of the best Breitling replica watches online for the times – accompanied by coffee, champagne and cocktails. Swiss movements Breitling super clone watches will also have an artist on site who will personalise a special gift-with-purchase, something for attendees to take home and use for a lifetime of international jet-setting.